Apartments next to Kelham Island Museum and Chimney House
Apartments next to Kelham Island Museum and Chimney House, Sheffield © Historic England Archive DP234122
Apartments next to Kelham Island Museum and Chimney House, Sheffield © Historic England Archive DP234122

Grants for Conservation Area Regeneration Plans Across Yorkshire

Local Planning authorities across the North can apply to Historic England for funding towards the cost of preparing plans to frame and guide conservation area regeneration.

By creating a plan, using a range of practical methods from masterplanning to design coding, we aim to help authorities explore and map the opportunities to improve people’s lives through the revitalisation and regeneration of valued historic places.

We aim to fund areas that need it most and where we can make the most impact.

As such, we will prioritise conservation areas:

  • On the Historic England at-risk register or those assessed as vulnerable by Historic England
  • In Levelling Up tier 1 and tier 2 authorities with the greatest levels of deprivation, identified by the Indices of Multiple Deprivation, in the conservation area itself or the surrounding area it supports
  • Where there is clear potential for plans to directly inform or support the delivery of broader area-based regeneration initiatives
  • Where there is clear potential to deliver public value and secure active participation.

This scheme is a competitive process, and we would expect Local Authority partners to contribute 50% match funding.

How to apply

If you would like to discuss this opportunity, please contact one of the Historic Places Advisers:

Craig Broadwith
07557 190988

Jules Brown
07880 717925

Pippa Brown
07880 142710

Zinnie Denby-Mann
07733 797155

More about our aims, grant priorities and advice on conservation area management