A group of  people discussing what the heritage of the Wolds means to them.
Community action: a ‘Food for Thought’ conversation with the people of Driffield. © Jennifer Jackson, York Archaeological Trust
Community action: a ‘Food for Thought’ conversation with the people of Driffield. © Jennifer Jackson, York Archaeological Trust

Research Governance

This page sets out Historic England's approach to research governance including research integrity, conduct and ethics.

Historic England strives to carry out research to the highest standards of integrity, in line with best practice. Our approach is described in three documents:

(These documents have been commissioned by Historic England from Riber Consulting and written by Dr Meesha Warmington in collaboration with Historic England and the English Heritage Trust).

Any allegations of research misconduct by Historic England staff should be emailed to research@HistoricEngland.org.uk.

Information on what constitutes research misconduct and how any concerns will be investigated is contained in the 'Principles of Research Integrity' and in the 'Statement of Good Research Conduct' documents.