Black and white photo of women working in an office, 1956.
Women working in the offices of Gallup, the market research pollsters, Greater London © Historic England AA100812
Women working in the offices of Gallup, the market research pollsters, Greater London © Historic England AA100812

Your Views and Questions

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Evidence for the inclusion in Heritage Counts

Please let us know if there are any research, data, subjects or questions which you think we should address in future editions of Heritage Counts.

Keep in contact

If you would like to keep in contact with us please email [email protected].


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How do I cite Heritage Counts?

The Heritage Counts pages are periodically updated. The publication date or date of any updates can be found underneath the headline.  

If you are citing some of the evidence in this article, we recommend you use the original source. This can be found as a reference after the text and the full details of the research paper or source can be found at the bottom of the page.   

We may remove some sources as newer or more relevant evidence becomes available. We do this so you have the latest evidence to use, providing a more accurate picture of the value of heritage.  

Please contact [email protected] for details from archived content.  

What are the indicators?

Indicators are easy-to-use statistics that enable year-on-year changes in the historic environment to be tracked. From 2023, these are set out under eight headings:

  1. Designated Assets, Protected Areas and the Built Environment
  2. Employment, Volunteering, Education and Training
  3. Funding and Resources
  4. Guardianship
  5. Heritage at Risk
  6. Participation, Visits and Membership
  7. Planning Statistics
  8. Recording the Historic Environment

Data is available at a national, regional and local level in Excel spreadsheets.
Please see the Indicator Data page for the complete set of 'Heritage Counts' indicators.

What are the themes?

Previous years have had a focus on a particular research or policy area:

Can I engage with the graphics?

Some of the graphics are interactive. Follow the instructions in the text above the graphic or hover over the graphic itself for guidance.