Aerial view of earthworks at Verulamium
Verulamium Roman town. © Historic England, image reference 24918040
Verulamium Roman town. © Historic England, image reference 24918040

Roman Research Strategy

The iconic status of the Roman period in the cultural history of England is well attested. It is a primary focus of interest for popular media, forms a key focus for cultural tourism and associated employment and it appears in the national curriculum.

Understanding and protecting Roman England

Despite the profile of Roman-period remains our understanding of the Roman period resource is partial and as a consequence inadequately provided for in curatorial and management terms. 

We have had a key role in developing policies, guidance and practice that seek to both maximise understanding and ensure that the Roman-period resource is valued and can be cared for in the long term.

Roman archaeology

On a wider canvas Britain has led the way in developing the archaeology of the Roman period and British archaeologists and University Departments continue to be seen as leading proponents of the subject. Historic England has statutory responsibility for the protected Roman-period resource.

The incorporation of the Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site in the Frontiers of the Roman Empire WHS serves to emphasise that England's Roman sites cannot be viewed in isolation and that there is potential for cooperation with partners across the (former) Roman World.

Research strategy

A Research Strategy for the Roman Period identifies key research topics, provides guidance on establishing research projects and criteria for prioritising them, and explains how the Strategy will be reviewed and updated.

If you have any questions about our research approaches, please email us using the contact email below.