NHPP Review of Progress and Impact 2011-2015

Final Report

By Jura Consultants

This report sets out the findings of a programme of consultation to inform the on-going review of the progress and impact of the National Heritage Protection Plan (NHPP). The NHPP comprises a framework for heritage protection built around a set of priorities. Organisations or groups can develop action plans in order to address some or all of these priorities. The consultation research, carried out by Jura Consultants, was commissioned by English Heritage on behalf of the NHPP Advisory Board.

The consultation included the following methods:

  • Online survey which secured 915 valid responses, including 209 from organisations or groups and 706 from individuals
  • 13 workshops delivered in all regions of England and attended by 317 people
  • 36 in-depth telephone interviews.

The responses show that there is broad support for a mechanism which brings the sector together to work towards addressing agreed and shared priorities. However the responses suggest that the NHPP as currently presented needs to be revised to achieve this aim.

In addition to the main report you can download a supplementary report appendix which presents an analysis of respondents' views on the plan's detailed activities and supporting actions.


  • Main report:
    1. Executive Summary.
    2. Introduction.
    3. Looking Back.
    4. Looking Forward.
    5. Conclusions.
  • Supplementary report:
    1.0 Introduction
    2.0 Measure 1: Foresight
    3.0 Measure 2: Strategic Threat Assessment and Response
    4.0 Measure 3: Recognition and Identification of Potential Resource
    5.0 Measure 4: Assessment of Character and Significance
    6.0 Measure 5: Protection of Significance
    7.0 Measure 6: Management of Planned Change in Historic Environment
    8.0 Measure 7: Managing Major Holdings of Historic Assets
    9.0 Measure 8: Help and Advice for Owners
    10.0 Supporting Action: Establishing Value
    11.0 Supporting Action: Building Capacity
    12.0 Supporting Action: Assessing Knowledge
    13.0 Supporting Action: Local Empowerment
    14.0 Supporting Action: Engaging with the Past
    15.0 Summary

Additional Information

  • Publication Status: Completed


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