Curating the Palaeolithic
This guidance explains the importance of the English Palaeolithic record (about 1 million to 11,700 years ago) in its Pleistocene context and best practices for protecting it through the planning process, illustrated by case studies from across the country. The terms Palaeolithic and Pleistocene are used to distinguish between evidence of human activity (Palaeolithic) and of environments (Pleistocene).
The guidance is accompanied by a number of case studies, which are intended to be concise rather than exhaustive. The methodologies outlined in them illustrate the range of options that is available rather than providing a comprehensive list of all available approaches. It is essential therefore for contractors involved in preparing schemes for site investigation (WSIs) to consult Palaeolithic/Pleistocene specialists.
It will often be helpful to use this document alongside other key guidance produced by Historic England, in particular: Sites of Early Human Activity: Scheduling Selection Guide, Managing Lithic Scatters and Sites (currently in revision after consultation), Geoarchaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Scientific Dating of Pleistocene Sites (currently in revision after consultation), Deposit Modelling and Archaeology and Mineral Extraction and Archaeology.
This guidance acknowledges the primacy of relevant legislation, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the related Planning Policy Guidance (PPG), and is intended to support their implementation. It is not a statement of Government policy, nor does it seek to prescribe a single methodology.
The guidance is particularly intended for curators (i.e. local authority archaeologists, those working as advisors to local planning authorities, and HER officers). Its focus is the issues they encounter in discharging their responsibilities for Palaeolithic archaeology. It will also be of interest to consultants, archaeological units, developers, historic environment advisors in government agencies and public bodies, and Palaeolithic and Pleistocene specialists.
- Introduction
- Why are Palaeolithic and Pleistocene remains important?
- Part A: Curating the Palaeolithic
1. Palaeolithic archaeology and planning
2. Sources of information on Palaeolithic and Pleistocene remains
3. Requirements and procedures for Desk-Based Assessments and field evaluations
4. Assessing the findings and further work - Part B: Understanding the Palaeolithic
5. The Palaeolithic occupation of Britain
6. The Pleistocene record
7. Pleistocene deposits: origin, archaeological and palaeoenvironmental potential - 8. Case Studies
- 9. References
- 10. Glossary
- 11. Where to get advice
Highly significant Lower Palaeolithic site (East Anglia) subject to coastal erosion.
Chard Junction Quarry
Sustained monitoring of working quarry, utilising new and existing techniques, and grounded in very effective working relationships.
Nightingale Estate, Hackney and Ponds Farm 2, Aveley
Accessing deep Pleistocene deposits with palaeoenvironmental potential.
Kimbridge Farm Quarry, Dunbridge, Hampshire
Geoarchaeological watching brief over lifetime of working quarry.
An Early Upper Palaeolithic open-air site and mid-Devensian hyaena den, Glaston, Rutland (MIS3)
Chance discovery of shallow, early Upper Palaeolithic deposits containing lithic artefacts and animal remains.
Pleistocene Archaeological Cave Deposits
Outlines the likely context of cave deposits and identifies appropriate investigative methods (it is not an account of a specific site investigation).
Southall Gasworks
Urban development context in a very rich Palaeolithic region, but theoretically promising site highly disturbed due to investigative history.
Investigating the Palaeolithic Potential of Regional Landscapes: a case study from the Trent Valley
Regional desk-based and field investigation of river terrace and alluvial deposits.
Valdoe Quarry
Investigation of a proposed quarry extension in a West Sussex raised beach to establish the extent of artefact-bearing deposits.
Putting the Palaeolithic into Worcestershire’s HER
Updating HER for Palaeolithic artefacts and Pleistocene deposits, enabling identifying of deposits impacted by development and targeted interventions.
Palaeolithic Investigations at the Ebbsfleet Academy (formerly the Swan Valley Community School)
Controlled investigation of artefact-rich gravels in the nationally important Swanscombe area.
The HS1 Ebbsfleet Elephant, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe
Managing an unexpected, but internationally significant, discovery after the site’s Palaeolithic potential was not recognised at the DBA stage.
‘Indirect’ Evidence in Assessing the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic: two case studies from the West Sussex coastal plain
Quarry expansion in raised beach deposits.
Additional Information
- Series: Guidance
- Publication Status: Completed
- Pages: 88
- Product Code: HEAG313
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