Resources for Levelling Up and Regeneration

Here you can find our collection of resources on the historic environment that may be useful when developing placed-based programmes, such as preparing investment plans for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Levelling up is at the heart of the government’s agenda to build back better after the pandemic and heritage-led regeneration can play an important role in supporting it. That fact was recognised in the Levelling Up White Paper and the Levelling Up Fund, both of which referenced the important role heritage and the historic character of places can play in supporting their successful regeneration. This was also referenced in the prospectus for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

This webpage offers a range of content intended to support and inspire programmes that put heritage at the heart of successful places, capitalising on the power of our heritage to improve people’s lives.

Technical Advice

The character of a place can fulfil a powerful role in levelling up. For the specifics of some services such as advice on plan-making please contact your local Historic England office.

  • Regeneration

    Advice and research on how to shape our public spaces and buildings to improve a community’s cultural, economic, social and environmental situation.

  • Place-shaping

    Place-shaping entails collaboration, planning and management. This page outlines the support we offer.

  • Design in the Historic Environment

    Principles and case studies for good practice in design when making changes to the built historic environment.

  • Local Plans

    See our advice on preparing Local Plans that set out a positive strategy for historic buildings and sites.

  • Enhanced Advisory Services

    The enhanced services we provide beyond our existing free planning and listing services.

  • Conservation Areas

    This page sets out what Conservation Areas are, how they are designated and managed and includes a link to our page on Conservation Areas at Risk.

  • Heritage Champions

    Over half of local authorities have a nominated Heritage Champion, who may be able to help to make the case for your submission.

  • Webinar on Community Engagement in High Streets Projects

    Recording and transcript for a previous webinar on community engagement in historic high streets projects, first recorded 25 November 2020

Heritage Information and Data

  • Search the List

    Search the only official list of protected historic sites. Use our map search to see which buildings or sites are protected.

  • Open Data

    Here you can find GIS datasets available to download from the National Heritage List for England (NHLE).

  • Heritage at Risk

    Find out which of England's historic sites are currently at risk.

  • Heritage Counts

    Use our data to strengthen your case on the social, economic and environmental impacts of heritage.

  • Heritage Gateway

    This website allows you to cross-search over 60 resources, offering local and national information relating to England’s heritage.

  • Strategic Stone Database

    Search the database using an interactive map to find stone buildings and quarries near you and download a building stone atlas of your area.

  • Find Photos

    Search over 1.6 million photographs and drawings held in the Historic England Archive.

  • Aerial Photo Explorer

    Our collection of aerial photographs contains over 6 million images, covering the whole of England.

Case Studies